2023-2024 Poems accepted by: Obsessed with Pipework Acumen Federation of Writers (Scotland) anthology Atrium shortlisted in Mist and Mountains competition
A pamphlet 'The Importance of Not' was joint winner in the Poetry Space competition 2024 and is due to be published in 2025.
2022 Poems accepted in the following magazines; Pushing Out the Boat, The Lake, Dreich, Poetry Scotland Literary Mama Ink Sweat and Tears
Poems shortlisted in the following competitions: Autumn Voices Indigo Dreams Poetry Competition Mslexia pamphlet competition 2021 (announced 2022).
Together with Helen Boden, she performed her work at the Pentlands' Book Festival November 2022.
******* Previous Successes Poems published in: Plymouth and Nottingham Trent Universities' Poetry and Covid website: www.poetryandcovid.com/ Poetry Space's Lockdown anthology The Black Light Engine Room Press's anthology 'Light' Acumen Poetry Kit's Spring competition 2018 and summer competition 2017 YES Arts Festival competition 2017 Poetry Space competition 2017
She read as part of the Pentlands Book Festival's Threads project in November 2020 Dorothy was a finalist in January's Quiet Slam at the Shore Poets, Edinburgh 2016
Pre 2016 Poems in: Obsessed with Pipework, New Writing Scotland 31, Competition successes: Highly commended in Ware Poets Open Competition in May 2013 Two poems shortlisted for the James Kirkup Memorial Poetry Competition in 2013. A poem received an Honourable Mention in the Poetry Kit's summer 2012 nature poetry competition, A poem was runner up in the Second Light poetry competition December 2011. Her poem on the theme of 'Family Ties' was selected to be one of three discussed by Ruth Padel and members of the Edinburgh School of Poets for a programme about poetry workshops on BBC Radio 4. It was broadcast on October 30th 2011. Two poems highly commended in the Poetry Space competition 2011 A poem commended in the Ware Poets Open Poetry Competition 2011
Her poem/play for three women, 'Timepieces' was performed by Lisa Nicoll, Catherine Gillard and Liza Shackelton, directed by David Betz-Heinemann, as part of TraVerses at the Traverse Theatre in December 2010. Poem shortlisted for the Second Light poetry competition 2010. A poem reached the final of the Aesthetica Creative Works Annual competition, 2010. Her poem, Currie, has been filmed in collaboration with Anna Dickie and Stephanie Tan as part of 'This Collection' and can be found on: www.vimeo.com/15818895 . For more information about 'This Collection' see: www.thiscollection.theexperimentalfilm.com